A ritual for revitalised hands

A ritual for revitalised hands

Discover a three step hand health ritual to revive skin health and deeply nourish hands


Firstly, deeply cleanse hands with the aromatic Hand & Body Wash. After 20 to 30 seconds of vigorous rubbing, soap disrupts the lipid layer holding any bacteria, leaving it dislodged and ready to be rinsed away. Unlike most synthetic-laced soaps, Hunter Lab Hand & Body Wash is crafted without sulphates to ensure your skin remains hydrated, nourished and squeaky-clean


Next up, reinvigorate hand health with the deeply exfoliating Pinot Grape Skin Body Scrub, a natural hard working exfoliator crafted with Sea Salt and antioxidant-rich Grape skins to eliminate dead skin buildup while also improving blood circulation. This vital step helps strengthen collagen production, reduce redness, and promotes new cell growth revealing smooth, clear and youthful looking skin


Finally, replenish and deeply hydrate your skin with the Healing Hand Cream, a natural, non-greasy moisturiser crafted with Argan, Grapeseed and Hemp Seed Oils to quench skin’s thirst, and Aloe Vera and Native Australian Extracts to help reduce the appearance of dark spots and fine lines

The result? Smooth, vibrant, youthful-looking hands